最资讯丨原创夏日音乐会精彩上演,庆祝学生们的非凡音乐天赋和成就 LEHF 2023 Summer Concert Review
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预备部合唱团欢快的开场表演为这场盛大的夏日音乐会拉开帷幕。他们给在场观众们带来了一首经典曲目《Eye of the Tiger》。在整个音乐会期间,我们预备部和中学部的合唱团多次上台演出,并在部分演出有学生 Vivian 和 Ethan Z 的钢琴伴奏。
《Eye of the Tiger》- 预备部合唱团
《My Heart Will Go On》 - 预备部合唱团,由 Vivian 伴奏
《Colors of the Wind》- 高年级合唱团,由 Ethan Z 伴奏
《Mr Blue Sky》- 高年级合唱团,由Vivian 伴奏
《The Rhythm of Life》- 高年级及预备部合唱团,由Vivian 伴奏
《Le Petit Ane Blanc》- Amy
《Allegro Moderato, First Movement from Sonata in B minor》- Nicole
《Elegie in Eb minor op. 3, No. 1》- Yutaka
《保卫黄河》- Osmanthus
《Changing Times》- Livia
《Gitanerias》- Alina
《Impromptu No. 2 in Eb, op. 90》- Aeslie
《Nocturne in C minor, op. 48, No.1》- Hiroshi
《New Kid, No.9 from Jazz Preludes Collection》- Roger
《Alla Turca, Finale from Sonata in A major, K.331》- Ryan
《Tarantella》- Mathea
《Variations on a Theme》- 7年级学生
《Sonata in G minor, Adagio & Allegro BWV1020》
双簧管:Yen Yung;大提琴:Mathea
《Pirates of the Aegean》
《Holiday》 (Green Day)
《我是愤怒 I am Angry》 (Beyond)
《Part of Your World》- Scarlett
《Concerto in A minor, First Movement, RV 356》- Sarah Z 独奏
《Mattachins》- 预备部小提琴手合奏
《L’Homme Armé》
特别鸣谢两位小主持 Ryan 和Yen Yung
音乐总监 Mr Hobourn 评论说:
Mr Hobourn
2023年夏日音乐会最精彩的地方在于,有许多学生在这次音乐会表演前从未上过台公开演出,甚至有些学生是这个学年才开始学习乐器的。我希望在佛山霍利斯,音乐是全校师生所追求和欣赏的,这一点在音乐会上得到了充分的体现。我想祝贺每一位参加演出的学生,感谢我们所有客座音乐老师的贡献、专业和投入,当然也感谢所有家长对我们和对孩子的支持。同时也要感谢音乐部门的 Kitty Liang 女士,她对我本人、学生和家长提供了巨大的支持。我非常期待明年和以后学生们将会有更多的音乐会和表演机会。
本年度音乐活动包括7场午间音乐会、圣诞音乐会、夏日音乐会、A Level 和 IGCSE 音乐学生音乐会、多次学生演出机会,以及外部演出,如在广州康莱德酒店举行的母亲节音乐会和在顺德施坦威举行的钢琴音乐会。
图注:五年级的 Livia 获得了新加坡国际钢琴比赛少儿D组的二等奖
图注:部分客座音乐教师与 Mr Hobourn 和 Kitty Liang 女士合照
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On 20th June, at LEH International School Foshan our anticipation reached its peak as we eagerly awaited the spectacular performances by our talented students at the Summer Concert. Months of dedication and relentless practice led up to this momentous occasion, which not only marked the remarkable progress of the LEH Foshan Music Department but also coincided with the celebration of International Music Day. With a staggering participation of 87 students, this evening promised to be a glorious celebration of musical excellence.
The grand Summer Concert commenced with a delightful opening performance by our Prep School Choir, as they graced the stage with their rendition of the iconic "Eye of the Tiger." Throughout the concert, both our Prep School Choir and Senior School Choir took centre stage several times, sometimes accompanied by our talented pianists, Vivian and Ethan Z.
Eye of the Tiger, Prep School Choir
My Heart Will Go On, Prep School Choir, accompanied by Vivian
Colors of the Wind, Senior Choir, accompanied by Ethan Z
Mr Blue Sky, Senior Choir, accompanied by Vivian
The Rhythm of Life, Senior and Prep School Choirs, accompanied by Vivian
A multitude of gifted pianists took the stage, showcasing their immense talent through captivating performances of various classic music pieces.
Le Petit Ane Blancby Amy
Allegro Moderato, First Movement from Sonata in B minorby Nicole
Elegie in Eb minor op. 3, No. 1by Yutaka
Defend the Yellow Riverby Osmanthus
Changing Timesby Livia
Gitanerias by Alina
Impromptu No. 2 in Eb, op. 90by Aeslie
Nocturne in C minor, op. 48, No.1by Hiroshi
New Kid, No.9 from Jazz Preludes Collectionby Roger
Alla Turca, Finale from Sonata in A major, K.331by Ryan
Tarantella by Mathea
Clarinets / Saxophones
Variations on a Themeby Year 7 Students
Dual Performance
Sonata in G minor, Adagio & Allegro BWV1020
Yen Yung on Oboe and Mathea on Cello
Junior Strings
Pirates of the Aegean
Rock Group
Holiday(Green Day)
我是愤怒 I am Angry(Beyond)
Part of Your Worldby Scarlett
Concerto in A minor, First Movement, RV 356by Sarah Z
MattachinsbyPrep School Violins
Wind Ensemble
L’Homme Armé
Special thanks to our talented student hosts, Ryan and Yen Yung.
Mr Hobourn, Director of Music commented:
Mr Hobourn
Director of Music
The most wonderful aspect of the Summer Concert 2023 was the fact there were many students that performed who had never been on stage before, and before this year had never played a musical instrument. My vision of LEHF Music being a full school endeavour was well and truly showcased at the concert. I would like to congratulate every student that took part, I would like to thank all our VMTs for their dedication, professionalism and commitment, and of course, thank you to all parents for your support, and following your children"s musical journey. The Music Department would not be able to function without Ms Kitty Liang. She has been a fantastic support to me, the students, and the parents. A huge thank you. I very much look forward to many concerts and performing opportunities for the students next year and beyond.
The Summer Concert stands as an outstanding testament to the extraordinary music talent of our students, the unwavering dedication they have poured into their craft, and the tireless efforts of the Music Department at LEH Foshan. This remarkable event truly celebrates the collective achievements and the profound impact of music education within our school community.
As the curtains fall on the Summer Concert, we reflect upon a year filled with boundless excitement and musical achievements at LEH Foshan. This year has marked significant strides in the Music Department"s pursuit to mirror the world-class Music education of our sister school LEH London.
Major Music Achievements
in School Year 2022-23
The introduction of the Prep School has laid the foundation for the Music department"s growth. The Prep School Choir"s enthusiastic and committed singing has been appreciated by the school community.
The formation of the Music Ensemble programme has brought joy and improvement to students" musical journey. We now have Prep and Secondary Choirs, Strings, Woodwind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Rock Band, and as well as a Prep School tuned percussion ensemble.
Music events include 7 lunchtime concerts, Christmas and Summer Concerts, the A Level / IGCSE Music Students’ Concert, student showcases, and external performances such as the Mothers’ Day Concert at the Conrad Guangzhou and Piano Concert at Steinway Shunde Gallery.
Significant rise in students, 15 in total, taking ABRSM Performance and Theory exams, achieving either Distinction or Merit results.
Students have participated in competitions such as the Kawai Piano Competition, Singapore International Piano Competition, the ISMAG Piano Competition, and COBIS Composition Competition in Doha and more.
Note:Y5 Livia won the 2nd Prize of Singapore International Piano Competition, Children Group D.
The number of visiting music teachers has increased from 5 to 11, offering lessons in various instruments including piano, saxophone, clarinet, oboe, drum kit, classical, electric and bass guitar, singing, cello and violin.
Note:A group photo of some of the VMTs, Mr Hobourn and Ms Kitty Liang.
With heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated students and passionate staff, we bid farewell to this remarkable year of music, eagerly anticipating the harmonious melodies and uplifting performances that lie ahead.
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